Wednesday, October 14, 2020

I've Got Two Words for You: Weather Modification

"The weather is really nice today,"the guy says as he passes by admiring the sky.  I cringe.  I look up and see a sky riddled with chemtrails.  I keep walking, trying to nod and make my cringe appear as a salutation.  He goes on his way, wherever he's going, whatever he's doing.  I've seen him around before, genial older man.  I don't want to ruin his day with some weird response like, "Yeah, minus all the chemtrails" or something equally as flippant.  So I just nod and my brow crinkles behind my sunglasses.

Bizarre weather?  Weather modification.  Nice weather?  Weather modification.  Shitty weather?  Weather modification.  It's all been wrapped up in some tide of grandiose modification of the weather, for whichever purpose they see fit every day of the week, on every corner of the Earth.

Is it Smartdust?  Solar Radiation Management?  Stratospheric Aerosol Injection?  Plasma science experiments?  Or some grandiose, massive conspiracy for mind control and total enslavement?  Who knows at this point.  It's all under the sun.


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